

木ノ下智恵子  Chieko Kinoshita(アートプロデューサー)

A Thought Map of Inagaki's Discourse

The original meaning of the word "drawing" is "to make a line," but today it has a broader meaning that includes not only a narrow sense of drawing as a mere preliminary sketch, but also an accumulation of images expressed through a wide variety of media, such as objects and animation. The origin of drawing is the line drawing expression (scribble) of an infant before he/she mastered the use of words. It suggests the importance of the act of thought in which the artist himself spontaneously draws out the subject matter and concept. Inagaki is rightly the bearer of this developmental form of drawing. Drawing on copy paper with simple drawing materials, oil painting on canvas with developed images, and recording his daily life through photographs and videos. He draws extremely vague fragments, such as past memories, images and sensations lurking in the depths, and landscapes and objects that he has seen somewhere before. They are all equivalent, and at the same time, have a small but significant meaning. For the viewer, the work demands something more than a simple understanding, and it challenges the viewer to perceive and decipher the raw language before it becomes a discourse.
In response to this question, we dared to commission an exhibition that allows a panoramic view of various drawings from the 1990s to the present. The seemingly unconnected chain of images, reconstructed on the canvas of a wall surface, creates a map, a nautical chart, and a constellation of Inagaki's discourse.

Chieko Kinoshita (Art Producer)

[by automatic translation]

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